What's inside The Local SEO Workshop?

    1. Introduction

    2. Intro - Feedback survey

    1. 1.1 Understand how Google Local Search works

    2. Video 1.1 - Feedback survey

    3. 1.2 Understand the Google My Business ecosystem for practices and practitioners

    4. Video 1.2 - Feedback survey

    5. 1.3 Create and/or verify your Google My Business listing(s)

    6. Video 1.3 - Feedback survey

    7. 1.4 Handle duplicate Google My Business listings

    8. Video 1.4 - Feedback survey

    1. 2.1 Optimise key business information

    2. Video 2.1 - Feedback survey

    3. 2.2 Perform simple keyword research and optimise crucial Google My Business elements

    4. Video 2.2 - Feedback survey

    5. 2.3 Optimise visual assets and take your listing(s) to the next level

    6. Video 2.3 - Feedback survey

    1. 3.1 Perform Google review audits and implement acquisition strategies

    2. Video 3.1 - Feedback survey

    3. 3.2 Design Google posts from scratch and have them on autopilot

    4. Video 3.2 - Feedback survey

    5. 3.3 Create a maintenance routine to keep engaging your users

    6. Video 3.3 - Feedback survey

    1. 4.1 Understand the local citation ecosystem in Australia

    2. Video 4.1 - Feedback survey

    3. 4.2 Learn how to audit and manage your business current local citations

    4. Video 4.2 - Feedback survey

    1. 5.1 Optimise the NAP elements of your web page(s)

    2. Video 5.1 - Feedback survey

    3. 5.2 Optimise important on-page elements of your web page(s)

    4. Video 5.2 - Feedback survey

About this course

  • $187.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content
  • Easy to follow step by step guides
  • Detailed audits and checklists
  • FREE Plug and play templates

I know your time is valuable, so I promise not to waste it with fluffery.

There are 3 BIG PROBLEMS in the Local SEO education market right now.

  • 1- Too much information online becomes overwhelming where to start

    There is so much free information online you feel overwhelmed when it comes to actually getting started on optimising your practice online for Google Local Search.

  • 2- One-fit-all strategies that don't cater for the health care industry

    You read all there is to know about the topic and spent countless hours trying to implement Local SEO tips for your business but that didn't work out for you.

  • 3- Overcomplicated instructions makes SEO too confusing

    You were told to create a few keywords, create links, optimise your site for content for your audiences, etc, and you gave your best shot but got lost and now need some guidance.

If any of you can relate, this Local SEO Workshop is for you!​


Hi, I'm Camille!

I have over 10 years of experience helping dentists, GPs, practice owners, wellness and health care providers optimise their business online to get more patients through their doors.

Local SEO is not an easy fix and your practice will not be flooded by new patients overnight, but I have been helping hundreds of practitioners how to get there!

When more and more people from the health care industry started asking me for help, that's when I decided to create the Local SEO Workshop.

It is specially designed for practices and practitioners to guide them through the realms of the Local SEO world and get things done!

l am introducing...


The Local SEO Workshop

A power-packed and custom online programme that teaches health care and wellness professionals all they need to know for landing new patients to their business through unleashing the power of Local SEO!

  • NO endless classes

  • NO never ending workbooks

  • NO unactionable tips

In this perfect Local SEO solution, you will:

  • Learn how Google Local Search works so you understand what to do

  • Learn how to identify your weaknesses so you know where to start

  • Get detailed and actionable instructions so you know how to get things done

  • Apply inside Local SEO trade secrets so you can build a competitive advantage

  • Improve your local SEO knowledge and know-how without breaking the banks


In case there's anything I missed, here are some commonly asked questions:

  • How fast can I expect results?

    Local SEO is not an easy fix and your practice will not be flooded by new patients overnight, but I have been helping hundreds of practitioners how to get there! Local SEO is not a one-off task, it’s an ongoing process. That said, here’s a rough guide: The Module 1,2 and 3 form the foundation part of the Local SEO Workshop. It can take less than one week to implement and if you’re starting from scratch you will notice visible results pretty fast. Module 3 is more about building habits and make sure your practice’s assets are better optimised than your competitors. Module 4 and 5 are about the long-game and can take a bit longer depending on your niche but will bring the best results in the long run. Most students who religiously followed the process and implemented all the steps and recommendations will likely get more patients through their doors at the end of the programme. The secret? Take small regular steps forward. It takes time. But it’s worth it.

  • I don’t use Google My Business. Will this still work for me?

    Here is the hard truth: Local SEO is all about optimising your Google My Business listing! You don’t have a Google My Business yet? DO NOT PANIC, the first Modules of the Local SEO Workshop are entirely dedicated to teach you exactly how to create, claim and verify a Google My Business listing for your practice.

  • I have practices in multiple locations. Is this course still applicable?

    Yes, absolutely. This Local SEO Workshop is relevant for single and multi locations practices as well as solo practitioners.

  • I have no technical skills, will this work for me?

    YES. It’s never been easier to build an online presence for your practice than RIGHT NOW. Remember, your job is not to be a marketer, a web developer or a SEO expert. Your job is simply to follow a proven process and stupid easy steps so that you can optimise your practice online and still focus on what you do best: nurture your new patients! So no matter how hard or confusing you may think it is right now, the “techy” stuff doesn’t have to limit you or keep you stuck any longer.

  • I'm not a marketer. Is this course still applicable?

    So no matter how hard or confusing you may think it is right now, the “techy” stuff doesn’t have to limit you or keep you stuck any longer. The Local SEO Workshop makes it crystal clear what SEO actions you need to take. Videos, animated instructions are designed for people just for you who are new to the Local SEO world.

  • I already read a lot of Google My Business, will I learn anything new?

    There’s A LOT of information online and yes, you can always figure this all out yourself by reading all there is to read about the topic for FREE but it’s slow-moving, and you will likely make a few mistakes along the way. Trust me. I’ve been there! The Local SEO Workshop is specifically designed for health care practitioners and teaches you exactly what you need to know to get started. So not only it will save you tons of hours of trials and errors but it gives you a proven process that works for your specific industry.

  • Do I need to buy tools to implement the strategies described in this Local SEO Workshop?

    No. All the steps and strategies taught in this Local SEO Workshop are to be implemented manually. Whenever tools are recommended, free versions can be used to perform the tasks.

  • What if this Local SEO Workshop is not what I expect?

    If you don’t like the Local SEO Workshop or are not 100% satisfied with it, email the team and we will offer you a full refund after 7 days. This is a 7-day no-risk, money-back guarantee.